Why Calling315.com?

“Want to learn about electro-mechanical telephone systems? Go no further than Calling315.com. With more than 70 articles, you will get a landscape view of this vintage age spanning ~80 years.”
— Brian Cameron
Telephone Exchange Technician for 38 years, Christchurch, New Zealand
"This website is an amazing resource for understanding telephone switching technologies from the 1890s to 1970s. Ever since I was a kid, I've found this to be a fascinating topic in electromechanical engineering. This site clearly reflects a real passion for it."​
—Bryce Schroeder, MD, PhD (Bio. Eng.)
“Hear and see vintage relays in action! Explore the brilliant old phone system and its many marvelous parts! Nothing lays out telephone history with all its wonderful details as well as Calling315.com. As a writer researching 1950s relays, I couldn't believe my good fortune when I found it.”
—Priscilla Gilman, author